Year of the Young Person

Year of the Young Person launch

Newham’s Year of the Young Person aims to shine a light on our children and young people’s achievements, champion their rights, and show we are proud of the difference they make to the borough’s vibrancy and success.

Year of the Young Person was launched to create a focal point to begin to redefine how children and young people are positively recognised and involved into everything we do at the council.

This includes the way organisations and the people within them can and are able to create the conditions to be inclusive, develop new interactions with young people, dismantle barriers and acknowledge them as important players for change in the borough.

The themes for Year of the Young Person are Hope, Celebrate and Legacy. Through these themes we will showcase our children and young people’s talents, widen their experiences and opening up pathways for them to discover and explore.  

Year of the person will be delivered by:

  • Shining a light and spreading the word on all the great things about and for young people
  • Creating greater connections, initiatives and encouraging empowerment
  • Delivering structural change within the council

2021 Newham Year of the Young Person (PDF)

Yoyp newham recorder

Newham Recorder Archive - Year of the Young Person

Read Newham Recorder articles that have been published marking the achievements of young people and highlighting services and support groups aimed at them.

Newham Recorder Article Archive page