Young Commissioners Scheme

Children’s social care Commissioning Team is recruiting young people who have been in care or in care aged 13-18 years as young commissioners as active agents and change makers in the development of service for children looked after.

We want to engage young people who have experience and first -hand knowledge of care pathway and utilise their input in reshaping and re-designing services (placements/accommodation) for children in care. The young commissioners will receive training and be accredited on the scheme.

Young commissioners commit to a minimum of one commissioning activity a month and are in the role for six months. The young people are based in Children’s Social care commissioning team and work closely with commissioners and contract monitoring officer to support the commissioning process, support the Quality assurance process of children’s homes, un-regulated accommodation and IFAs (placements) for children looked after.

The young people are recruited from the cohort of children in care engaged in the Children in Care Council (CICC). We have successfully recruited one young person, Miriam Okotie Tomas. Miriam is a care leaver and a student. She is based within the commissioning team and available on Fridays 9am-1pm every week.

If you wish to meet the young commissioners, please, contact Christianah George, Commissioner at