Youth Safety: In-Focus

Youth safety panels in schools

Newham secondary schools and colleges partner up with police to launch youth safety panels

Youth safety panels, made up of students, school staff and the police, are being rolled out across secondary schools and colleges in Newham. 

This is following a successful pilot at New Vic Sixth Form College this year.

Every secondary school and college in Newham is being offered the chance to host a youth safety panel for their students and police.

Panels will meet termly to give children and young people the opportunity to have an honest and open conversation with the police about their concerns.

They will be inclusive and have representation from all year groups.

Police officer, Sergeant Rob Sewell of Newham’s Safer Schools Team, said: “The panel was trialled successfully at New Vic Sixth Form College and has increased confidence in policing and their teaching staff.”

He said the panels are intended to “model how young people can continue to engage with police in adult life through Safer Neighbourhood Panels”.

Sgt. Sewell added: “The panels will adopt a ’You said, we did’ approach, giving children and young people the opportunity to hold the police and other professionals to account on matters they have raised.”