Neighbourhood planning

Neighbourhood Planning

Find out about the neighbourhood planning process, see updates and get involved with the development of Neighbourhood Plans in your local community.

What is Neighbourhood Planning?

Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. Neighbourhood Planning is a community-led process which the council supports by providing access to technical and administrative help.

Neighbourhood planning was introduced by the Localism Act to provide an additional way for communities to engage in the planning process and help shape development in their area. It is a community-led process, different from the preparation of the Local Plan which is led by the Planning Authority.

The guidance in the Localism Act is supplemented by the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations and the Neighbourhood Planning (Referendum) Regulations.

Neighbourhood Plans in Newham 

  • Current Consultations
    There are currently no Neighbourhood Planning consultations
  • Neighbourhood Areas and Forums 
    There are currently no approved Area or Forum applications.
  • Adopted neighbourhood plans
    There are currently no adopted Neighbourhood Plans.