Newham Council’s Rites of Passage programme awarded £32,000

Windrush day 2024 landscape

Newham’s Rites of Passage programme was awarded £32,000 by the Department for Levelling up, Housing, and Communities (DLUHC), to honour the Windrush Generation as part of this year’s celebrations.

The Rites of Passage programme was amongst 28 projects awarded funding for a range of arts, educational, and sporting events across England. The programme is designed to honour and celebrate the enduring legacy of the Windrush pioneers. Its main objective is to connect the younger generation to their cultural roots and promote intergenerational exchange. 

The programme focuses on bridging the gap between older and younger residents through fashion, poetry, food, film, music, and art. Participants will engage in various activities that explore the stories, traditions, and experiences that have shaped the vibrant Caribbean influence in Newham and beyond. 

The Rites of Passage programme strives to ensure that the stories and legacies of the Windrush Generation are not only preserved but are also passed down to future generations. By engaging with diverse elements of culture and heritage, the programme seeks to foster a sense of belonging, pride, and unity within Newham’s diverse community

Mohamed Hammoudan, Assistant Director of Resident Engagement and Participation said: “We are delighted to have received this grant to assist our residents in commemorating the legacy of the Windrush Generation. We aim to provide our young people with opportunities to learn more about the rich history and culture of the Caribbean. We believe that by immersing themselves in this vibrant culture, our young people will gain a greater understanding of the contributions made by the Windrush Generation and develop a deeper appreciation of their legacy."

The programme will include:

  • Music and art workshops: These workshops will provide opportunities for older people, school children, and the community to collaborate creatively. Local artist, Marilyn Fontaine will facilitate the workshops in care homes, primary schools, and community settings.
  • Windrush Day Celebration: To celebrate the arrival of the Windrush Generation, the event will take place on 22 June at East Ham Town Hall. Attendees will enjoy a fair, music, dance, and storytelling.
  • 'Film and Feast' Events: Community members are invited to come together over delectable Caribbean cuisine, and engage in discussions and film screenings that delve into themes of heritage and identity. The screenings will be curated by The New Black Film Collective. At the same time, the catering will be provided by young people trained in Caribbean culinary heritage, produced by Rights & Equalities in Newham (REIN).
  • Youth Summer School: This project, produced by Sakafet London, will offer young people the chance to delve into the world of Caribbean fashion, exploring its history, influence, and contemporary relevance. 
  • Spoken Word Commission: Amplifying the voices of Newham's Windrush residents through a powerful spoken word piece based on their personal stories and experiences. This will be shared in a vibrant community performance at the end of the summer.
  • Dance Intergenerational Project: Bringing together participants of all ages for a dynamic exploration of Caribbean and contemporary dance styles, culminating in a vibrant community performance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Published: 24 Apr 2024