Heat SWEP active in Newham to protect vulnerable residents

Summer health social graphic

• Yellow heat-health alert in force for London until 9am on Wednesday 14 August
• Residents encouraged to stay alert for people who may be more vulnerable and need help to stay safe

With temperatures due to rise beyond 33 degrees Celsius, we have called our heat Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP). This means we are taking extra action to support our most vulnerable residents. Rough sleeping outreach teams are making extended visits to known hotspots, with water, fruit and sunscreen available to all. Newham residents who have particular concerns about a rough sleeper should contact Streetlink by visiting the website here. In an emergency, please dial 999.

Meanwhile, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has a yellow heat-health alert in place for London until 9am on Wednesday 14 August. The weather conditions could result in increased use of health services by those most vulnerable to hotter weather.

Residents are being urged to look out for neighbours, relatives and friends who may be more affected by higher temperatures (including night-time temperatures.)

People who are most vulnerable to heatwave conditions include:

  • Older people especially those over 75 and female
  • Those living alone or in care homes
  • People with serious long term illnesses like diabetes, kidney disease or Parkinson’s and some mental health conditions

For the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, there is advice on how to stay safe and get help if needed, on this NHS page.

Residents are also reminded of the dangers of fire during extended periods of hot weather. BBQs should be especially monitored and for the best advice visit: BBQ Safety | London Fire Brigade 

Newham Council does not allow any BBQs or fires in its parks or open spaces.

For more information, advice and support, visit the Well Newham summer wellness page.

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Published: 12 Aug 2024