Regeneration project: Stratford

Active Spaces

The Active Spaces project will help to activate empty, vacant or underutilised indoor spaces throughout Stratford, before the wider borough thereafter. These spaces will contribute to making Newham a better place to live and work.

Newham has some thriving sectors and entrepreneurial spirit which have been placed under threat from the negative economic impacts of COVID-19. It is likely that vacancy rates will increase during this period but this should not become a barrier to helping Newham’s enterprises and community organisations thrive in these challenging times.

Newham have assembled a list of council-owned spaces suitable for this programme but the project will launch a call for privately-owned spaces to come forward too.

Funding for refurbishment will be released to internal/external successful bidders from an approved list of workspace providers.

Working with the GLA, Newham Council will be providing design, technical and engagement support to the successful bidders who will then make short term physical improvements to the spaces, allowing them to activate and occupy these spaces for a longer period of time.

Stratford Regeneration team

For any enquiries please contact the Stratford Regeneration team on