Stratford Vision


View the Stratford Vision strategy

Stratford is Newham’s biggest and busiest town centre, and as a destination for shopping, culture and leisure, is the heart of east London.

However, the town centre and wider district do not work as well as it could. So, building on conversations with local residents, community groups and businesses held over the last two years, we have defined a new vision for Stratford.

 This ambitious strategy sets out the principles which will define how the town centre could improve and the aspirations for Stratford to be the fairest, greenest and most exciting district in London.

Focussed on the needs of people and the planet, the Stratford Vision enables Newham Council and its partners to make decisions about how Stratford evolves over the next decade, including:

  • How we improve the daily lives of people who live, work or study in Stratford.
  • How we support local businesses to grow and thrive.
  • How we create a fairer town, which everyone can access.
  • How we tackle climate change.
  • How we evolve in a way that is inclusive and green.

People and planet

Stratford is at the heart of a district-wide vision for a wider area which we call One Stratford. Bringing together 11 neighbourhoods, One Stratford will be an area of diversity, opportunity, education and innovation unlike anywhere else in London. Together we will make it a globally significant district that supports and creates opportunities for local people.

The Stratford Vision sets out the first stage of the journey towards One Stratford, focusing on Stratford Town Centre. Within the Stratford Vision document you will find over 50 potential projects, ten big ideas, and five geographical areas of focus. We will work with local partners, businesses, community groups and residents to further develop the key projects and approaches, and to deliver on this exiting vision for Stratford.

If you have any comments or would like discuss the Stratford Vision please email

The Stratford Vision was approved by Newham’s Cabinet on 16 February 2023

For regular updates about Stratford Vision, please visit the Co-create page.