School Expansion Programme (SEP)

Brampton Manor Academy

Brampton Manor Academy has recently undergone a major construction programme, managed by the Council, funded from DfE Basic Need allocation, to expand from 10 forms of entry (1,500 pupils) to 14 forms of entry (2,100 pupils), in order to meet forecast demand for secondary school places.

In 2018/19, when the Academy agreed to the expansion programme, it was agreed that the scope of the project would include highways improvement works to the Boundary Lane entrance to the school, to be implemented by Council’s Highways department.

The proposed highways works comprise:

  • Realignment of the existing roundabout on Boundary Road to provide a wider (15metre) footway with associated drainage and lighting work.
  • Footway renewal in block paving to match current Streetscape
  • Soft Landscaping in respect of trees and beds
  • New raised table with footway realignment on Boundary Lane/Lonsdale Avenue with associated drainage work to improve road safety.

Brampton manor academy sep

Construction is planned to start in August 2021 and end early November 2021.

Boundary lane Roundabout (PDF)

Boundary Lane Raised Table (PDF)