
Carer Friendly Newham

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What is “Carer Friendly Newham”?

The Carer friendly Newham programme has been created for organisations across the borough to pledge their support for unpaid carers in Newham. The programme was created as an agreement and a set of principles that frame the way Carers want to be supported. Any organisation that has an influence in the lives of Carers in Newham can sign up to the programme and commit to embedding its principles.

Your support will help make a difference to the Carers in Newham. By signing up to the programme, you are committing to the principles laid out in Newham's Carers Strategy and the 5 core themes listed in the Carer friendly Newham Programme.

How do I sign up?

Signing up is easy. To sign up either;

Carer Friendly Newham Organisations and Pledges

Manor Farm Care Home Empower Carers to manage their caring role - in order that they are able to look after their own health and wellbeing and have a life of their own alongside and outside of their caring responsibilities. We support the staff with organising their shifts around their responsibilities as carers, being as flexible with their shifts as possible.
Newham Carers Peer-counselling Network We pledge to empower carers to manage their caring role by running a well-being project to offer workshops for Carers to learning counselling skills.  We have done this by applying for funding to deliver a project as part of the Newham Carers Small Grants Programme, to actively promote local Carers Support services
Kooth I pledge to provide more insight on the importance of mental health to more CYP, as well as ways in which they can be supported, such as by our organisation
Guardian Angels Actively reach out to Carers to involve them in planning / delivering care; develop an approach to improve communication with Carers you work with/support.
Newham Talking Therapies Empower Carers to manage their caring role - in order that they are able to look after their own health and wellbeing and have a life of their own alongside and outside of their caring responsibilities.

Newham Talking Therapies is committed to offering wellbeing support to carers who are struggling to manage the impact of their responsibilities on their mental health. We are currently in the process of developing specific workshops for carers to attend in order to address common wellbeing problems that carers face.
Subco Trust Pledges:
1. Recognise Carers and raise the profile of Carers in Newham by:
An event during Carers Week.
An event on Carers Rights Day.

2. Empower Carers:
To deliver a range of stimulating activities and workshops, identified by Carers to enhance their confidence, and understanding of services and information they can access. These will take place at our Centre and in other areas of Newham.
Headway East London Raise the profile of carers within our brain injury community, share their journey's on our media platforms to engage other carers and support with their identity following a loved one acquiring a brain injury. Campaign for their rights and promote their wellbeing.
Royal Docks Learning and Activity Centre We pledge to support all carers in all capacities.
We pledge to promote support to carers by holding a 'Carers Awareness' day during Carers Week.
We will promote local Carers support services to our staff and community members as well as those who attend the foodbank and other outside agencies we currently work with.
We pledge as part of our wellbeing programme to support Carers.
We pledge to work with Newham in supporting and recognising the need for Carers in the community.
Age UK East London I pledge to ensure that all staff at Age UK East London who deliver services in Newham are fully briefed on carers rights and entitlements as well the support available to them across the borough.  This will ensure that no matter where we encounter a carer through our work, they are supported.
Alternatives Trust East London To provide our services with the empowerment and inclusion of carers in mind, designing our support to reflect and appreciate their needs.
De Vere Care Partnership Ltd Involve, listen and respect carers in planning the care and support which the cared for person receives.