Local Government Service Design Maturity Model

The Local Government Service Design Maturity Model has been developed for service designers in local authorities to use with council staff. It helps councils to explore how well they support and grow service design practice. Councils can use the model to ascertain where service design approaches are already adding value or could add more value, and to identify opportunities to develop the capabilities and conditions for service design to thrive. The model is intended to raise awareness of the key components of service design, provide a standard language to describe service design activities in a local government context, and help establish a consistent approach to service design across a council. The model aims to encourage conversations around service design and its role in local government in supporting improvement and innovation.

The model is set out in the report and we have also provided the model on a single page (pdf and PNG versions) so it is easy to use as a poster in face-to-face or online workshops.

The model has been developed by a collaboration of council service designers, facilitated by Newham Council. These councils are: Barking & Dagenham, Cambridgeshire, Camden, Essex, Manchester and Newham.

We have made the model available under a creative commons license. You are welcome to share, remix, adapt, and build upon our work non-commercially, as long as Newham Council are credited and any new creations are licensed under identical terms.

Local Government Service Design Maturity Model © 2023 by Newham Council is licensed under Creative Commons.