NHS Test and Trace App

App Features

  • The app is free to use, and you will not be charged for downloading or using it.
  • DO download the NHS Test and Trace app to your smartphone so it’s with you as you move around.
  • DO NOT use your laptop or iPad.
  • Bluetooth must be enabled at all times for the app to work.
  • To switch this on, go to your phone’s settings.
  • For Apple phones, you will need versions 13.5 or higher. Android phones will need Marshmallow or version 6.0 or higher.
  • Read more FAQs on compatible phones here.

Your identity will be protected, along with the identity of those you have been near to. This app does not use GPS or record locations so you cannot be tracked. More information can be found at www.covid19.nhs.uk

The app has a range of additional enhanced features that will help to reduce personal and public risk from COVID-19 as part of the end-to-end Test and Trace service:

  • Trace: alerting users if they have been near other app users who have tested positive for coronavirus.
  • Alert: letting users know the level of coronavirus risk in their postcode district.
  • QR check In: alerting users if they have recently visited a venue where they may have come into contact with someone who later tests positive with COVID-19.
  • Symptoms: allowing users to check if they have coronavirus symptoms and see if they need to order a free test all in one place.
  • Test: helping users book a free test through the app and get results quickly to know whether they have COVID-19.
  • Isolate: if a user is told to self-isolate, a timer feature will help countdown that period and access will be provided to relevant advice.