Have your say on council decisions

Attending council and other decision making meetings 

Everyone has the right to attend meetings of the council held in public, its committees and sub-committees, including meetings of Cabinet. It may be necessary to ask you to leave the room during discussion of certain categories of information, such as information relating to a named individual, commercially or legally sensitive information. 


Please note that for people who are deaf or hearing impaired a hearing loop system will be provided at meetings of council. If you require British Sign Language interpretation at the meeting, please email events@newham.gov.uk 10 days before the meeting, so the council can accommodate the request. 

Council meetings are either held at East Ham Town Hall or Old Town Hall Stratford where both venues are wheelchair accessible. 

If you have any accessibility requirements or concerns for any of the council’s committee meetings, please email the democratic services team​ or discuss via telephone on 020 3373 4643.

Guidance on Deputations

A deputation request is a request to speak at a public Council meeting.

Members of the public do not have automatic speaking rights at meetings of the Council and any individual or group wanting to address a Council meeting about an issue, must make a request to speak in advance, known as making a deputation.

How to make a deputation request

A request for a deputation must be made in writing (preferably by email) to the Chief Executive, at least five clear working days before the meeting.

The request should include:

  • the subject to be raised;
  • the contact details of the person or organisation who will be addressing the meeting; and
  • must be signed by at least five registered local government electors of the borough.

Deputations must relate to the borough or a Council function (i.e. a power or duty exercised by the Council).

The Chief Executive decides whether deputations should be accepted, but may only accept a maximum of two per meeting.

Can my deputation be rejected?

Deputations will not be accepted if they relate to the same or a similar subject to a deputation heard in the last 6 months; or if they relate to legal proceedings or are the subject of a complaint.

Additionally, a deputation request may be rejected if in the opinion of the Chief Executive, it is defamatory, frivolous, vexatious or offensive.

What should I consider when making a deputation request?

Before making your deputation request, you should bear in mind that you will only have a maximum of 5 minutes for the deputation to be presented, plus 5 minutes for members to ask any questions.  

A Deputation may consist of up to five people, and if they all wish to speak, this can be agreed with the permission of the Chair of Council.

For further information relating to Deputations, please contact Democratic Services at DemocraticServices@newham.gov.uk.

Public questions at full Council

Building a Fairer Newham corporate plan

Submit your question for consideration (online form)

Our Forward Plan

The Forward Plan is a list of the Council's Key Decisions that will be made over the next one to four months. The Forward Plan includes:

  • A short description of the decision to be made
  • Who will make it
  • When the decision will be taken
  • Details of the planned consultation
  • Contact details for further information (including reports and background papers).

See details of our Forward Plan on our MGOV website