Business parking permits

Charity business parking permits

If you are a Newham based charity, you may be able to apply for a permit to use a vehicle for visits across the borough

Applications for business & charity business permits can only be made from a “non-residential” Newham address. If the permit application address is a residential premises the application will not be allowed.

Charity business permits cannot  be issued if the business address being used to make the application is subject to planning regulations which stipulate that business permits  cannot be issued. These premises are commonly known as car free developments

Charity business permits cannot be issued to foreign registered vehicles.

This permit allows you to park in permit holder only bays and shared use bays within any residential and industrial parking zone.

The cost of a Charity Business Permit will be linked to the vehicles engine emissions or vehicle engine size if emission data is not available.

If your vehicle is a Hybrid (both electric & fuel driven) any permit charge will be based on the CO2 emissions data which is stated on the vehicles V5C document (log book). If CO2 information is not stated on the vehicles V5C then permit charging will be based on the vehicles fuel engine size.  

Charity business permits are not valid for vehicles which exceed 2.3m in height and/or 5.3m in length. It is solely the responsibility of the charity business permit applicant to ensure that the vehicle for which they are applying for a permit does not exceed these dimensions. If any vehicle is found to be in breach of these dimensions the permit which has been applied for will be invalid and subject to cancellation which will mean that the vehicle can be enforced against.

Please note that a virtual charity business parking permit only offers the ability to park in permit holder only bays and shared use bays within any residential and industrial parking zone within Newham. A virtual business parking permit does not offer an exemption to infringe moving traffic violations, this includes, but is not limited to; driving in bus lanes, making banned turns, stopping in yellow box junctions, accessing restricted streets/zones such as Browning Road bridge or to enter Healthy School streets and low traffic neighbourhood locations during their hours of prohibition.

It is the vehicle owner/keeper’s sole responsibility to ensure that their vehicle is fully covered by a valid permit, active virtual permit or blue badge before leaving it parked on the public highway during the resident parking zone (RPZ) restricted hours. The RPZ restricted hours are displayed on the entry signs at the start of a zone or you can find details on the following Resident parking zones (RPZ) page.

Failure to display a valid permit or have an active virtual permit or blue badge will be subject to a penalty charge notice being issued and possible further enforcement action being taken such as removal of the vehicle to the Councils car pound.

If you are unsure which tier your vehicle falls in please refer to the vehicle log book (VQ5) which will contain this information.

To be eligible for a charity business permit you must be employed on a full or part time basis by the business or organisation with the charity  status and need your vehicle to travel in and around Newham for the purposes of carrying out those charitable duties which form part of your employment. You are not eligible if the permit is being used to commute to your place of work (office or similar buildings) or between places of work. Please ensure that all uploaded documents clearly show your name, vehicle registration number and employer’s details

Before you begin your application, you will need:

  • A letter on headed paper and dated within 3 months, from the registered charity you are employed by. This letter must confirm that you are an official employee and include your name and vehicle registration number. This letter must also provide a full explanation as to why the vehicle is needed for charitable business purposes and confirm that your vehicle insurance covers you to carry out these charitable duties. Hand written documents will not be accepted.
  • Evidence from the Charity Commission or HMRC confirming that charitable status has been awarded to the Charity with whom you are carrying out your employment duties. Hand written documents will not be accepted. 
  • Proof of address for the charity/business with whom you are employed such as an official lease agreement in the charity/business name or current national non-domestic rate demand or a bank statement dated within three months or utility bill dated within three months. Hand written documents will not be accepted.
  • If the vehicle is owned or leased by you then you will need a UK Vehicle Registration Document (V5C or logbook) in your name and address or lease/hire agreement in your name and address. If the vehicle is a company vehicle you will need to provide a letter from your employer on headed paper, dated within the last three months that confirms your employment, name, address, vehicle registration and that you are authorised and insured to drive the company vehicle. Hand written documents will not be accepted.

Please note: when renewing your permit you must select a start date for your new permit to begin. The MiPermit Newham system will default to today’s date on the application page. Please ensure this is updated if you require your permit to start from a later date. You will only be able to renew your permit up to four weeks in advance

Charity Business Permits

CO2 emissions (g/km) 

Engine Size (c.c.) (Only used if a vehicles CO2 emissions is not stated on the Vehicles DVLA V5C form – Log book)

Emissions Tier

12 months

1 month

0 - 50


Tier 1



51 - 110


Tier 2



111 - 170


Tier 3



171 - 225


Tier 4





Tier 5

