
Mr Blue Sky - Plaistow Broadway (Shape Newham)

Shape Newham launched in 2019 to co-design and install imaginative and original public space improvement projects across the borough. Local residents and businesses were invited to a series of community events and workshops to choose the location and priorities for each project.

The Shape Newham installation at Plaistow Broadway (97 - 115 High Street, Plaistow) is called “Mr Blue Sky”. The Improvement works includes a cloud sculpture, redecoration of the canopy and a new bench.

The theme of ‘clouds’ was selected by local residents in reflection of local history. The person who named the three principal categories of clouds (Cumulus, Stratus and Cirrus) was a Plaistow resident and business owner.

The installation was designed by AOC Architecture Ltd and the installation was completed in Summer 2022.

View before installation:

Mr blue sky before installation

Views after installation:

  • Coming soon

The Mr Blue Sky installation is part of the Council’s Shape Newham programme. For more information on this programme, including information on the community engagement process and locations of all the Shape Newham projects across Newham please visit the Shape Newham page.