Housing Benefit

Tell us about changes

Have your circumstances changed?

It is important that you report all changes that could affect your benefit as soon as the change happens.

Changes you need to report include:

  • You stop or start getting Universal Credit
  • Moving home
  • You or your partner start / change / end employment
  • Any other changes in your or your partner’s income or savings, including changes in the benefits received.  
  • Changes in rent / service charges for private and Housing Association tenants.
  • Anyone joins or leaves your household
  • Changes in the status or income of other adults living with you, such as their employment or the benefits they get.
  • You no longer wish to claim housing benefit
  • Any other changes you think may affect your housing benefit.

You must give full details about the change in your circumstances including the date the change occurred and provide supporting evidence.

Tell us about a change  

Residents on Universal Credit

If you are in receipt of Universal Credit you must also contact the Department and Work of pensions about changes.