Employment Learning and Achievement: In-Focus

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award attracts 160 Newham young people

Around 160 Newham young people have taken part in the exciting and life-changing Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme in 2021.

The Brighter Futures’ Youth Empowerment Service is licensed to run the national Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme for young people in the borough.  

This year, a remarkable 160 young people have been supported through the programme, with staff helping them to choose their activities, set their objectives and achieve their Award.

Young people can do the programme at one of three progressive levels which, when successfully completed, leads to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award.  The award is broken down into the following sections: 

  • Physical: Improving physical wellbeing through a form of physical exertion. 
  • Skill: Pursuing, learning and improving a skill/interest/passion. 
  • Volunteering: Giving time to a charity, voluntary, community or other not-for-profit organisation. 
  • The Expedition: Completing a pre-planned route independently over several days as part of a team, learning “campcraft” and expedition skills. 
  • Environmental: Gaining a greater understanding of the natural world and experiencing a completely new environment.

Tom Bayley, DofE Volunteering and Accreditation Senior Worker, said: “This year, we have seen an increase in the number of young people accessing the DofE programme and accreditation has quadrupled.

“Many young people have received their Bronze and Silver Certificates and some are now progressing to the Silver Award.

“In 2021, many young people experienced camping for the first time in their lives and it was also their first time going away without their parents.”

Hrydai, 16 said: “I learnt about camping and orienteering in the countryside which l really enjoyed, especially working in teams with new people together to navigate and solve different problems.”

Other young people have gone on to become part-time members of Newham’s Youth Empowerment Fund Board, assessing funding applications submitted by other young people as part of the scheme.

Some young people on the programme have become ambassadors and champions of the DofE, appearing in national media campaigns.