
Types of carers

BSL Support

A carer is considered to be anyone who spends time looking after or helping a family member, friend or neighbour who, because of their health and care needs, would find it difficult to cope without this help regardless of age or whether they identify as a carer.

Carers First have put together a short video to show what being a carer looks like to different types of carers.

Adult carers

Anyone aged 18 and over. Caring for another adult who may be their:

  • Spouse
  • Parent
  • Partner
  • Friend
  • Neighbour
  • Relative.

Parent carer

A parent or gaurdian who provides care to child to a degree greater than would be normally expected in a aprenting role.

Sandwich carers

Those with caring responsibilities for different generations, for example both children and parents.

Young adult carer

An adult aged between 18 and 25 who is caring for another adult or child.

Young carers

A child or young person who provides regular, ongoing care and emotional support over and above "helping out".

Former carer

Those that have ceased their caring role, usually as a result of a change in condition of the cared for individual. This may include a cared for individual's:

  • Death
  • Recovery to the point of no longer requiring a carer
  • Carer wanting/having to stop providing informal care.