Practitioners Resource

Crisis Support

Urgent Help 
If urgent help is required: 

  • Call an ambulance on 999 or help them to get to A&E. 
  • Stay with the person if you are able, and continue to talk with them, if you can. 

If the person can keep themselves safe for a short while, but is still in need of urgent help, you can: 

  • Dial 111 on your phone and speak to the NHS Mental Health Triage Service. It is free and open 24/7. 
  • Contact their GP surgery and ask for an emergency appointment.

Find an NHS Urgent Mental Health Helpline 

24 Hour Mental Health Crisis Helpline 
The NHS urgent mental health helpline is there to offer support and advise if you feel your mental health is getting worse or you are in distress and you need to talk to a qualified mental health professional. 

For callers whose first language is not English, a telephone interpreter can be arranged for other languages, by phoning the helpline and letting them know the language needed.
For all ages, free phone, and available 24 hours a day.

Call: 0800 073 0066
Visit mental health support pages

Papyrus - crisis support for young people
Supporting young people under 35 who are feeling suicidal 
Contact Papyrus HOPELINEUK is a free suicide prevention helpline open 9am–midnight every day of the year, weekends and bank holidays included.

Call: 0800 068 41 41
Text: 07786 209697

The Samaritans 
Supporting when in emotional distress. A 24 hour free support line.
Call: 116 123

Domestic Abuse 
Are you experiencing domestic abuse? You are not alone.
A free helpline providing 24-hour National Domestic Abuse support 
Call: 0808 2000 247

Sexual Violence (all genders) 
The Gateway project works with any survivor aged 13 or above regardless of gender identity, sexuality, disability, chosen language, ethnicity or immigration status. Visit website for phone line opening hours. 
Call: 0808 801 0860

Rape Crisis (East London) Women & girls only 
The East London Rape Crisis Service provides free, confidential specialist help for women and girls who have been raped or experienced any other form of sexual violence at any time in their lives. 
Contact the free helpline. 
Call: 0800 160 1036 

Men’ s Advice Line  
A helpline for male victims of domestic abuse. Mon–Fri 10am-8pm.
Call: 0808 8010327
Email support:

Survivors UK (Men & Trans support) 
Survivors UK provides a national online helpline, individual and group counselling for boys, men and non-binary people aged 13+ who have experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives. It offers emotional support through the justice system, support for friends and families of survivors, and training for professionals and organisations. Mon – Sun 12pm-8pm.
Chat via SMS text: 020 3322 1860
Available Online 

GALOP (supporting LGBTQI+)
A national Helpline for LGBT+ Victims and Survivors of Abuse and Violence
Call: 0800 999 5428 

James’ Place
Offering free and immediate in-person therapy for men in suicidal crisis in a warm and welcoming environment.
Help can be accessed via website referrals and can be made through professionals, concerned third parties or via self-referrals.
Call: 0203 4888 404