Empty Properties

What can you do with an empty property?

Newham Council is committed to helping you bring your property back into use and will support you to do this. You have a number of options for your empty property, these include:

  • privately let it
  • offer it for use by Newham Council
  • offer it for use by Homes for Ukraine
  • sell it
  • move into it


You can enter into a contractual arrangement using a tenancy agreement with a tenant directly or by using a managing agent. There are legal responsibilities you have in relation to the standard of the property, licensing the property and around the tenant, rent levels and insurance. You can find guidance on how to let a property in the 'How to Let Guide' found on www.GOV.UK.

Newham Council can assist you to find suitable tenants or may agree to take the property on a lease arrangement for a period of time, which means you are guaranteed rent. There are financial incentives for allowing Newham Council to identify tenants or lease your property.