Emergency plans and advice

Help when there is a flood

What help does the council give when there is a flood?

If you are evacuated from your home and you have no alternative arrangements, we may provide emergency rest centres in our community centres or other buildings with large halls, for a short period of time.

You can phone the Environment Agency’s Floodline on 0345 988 1188 for advice on how you can protect your home.

If you are experiencing issues with localised flooding or dangerous trees or precarious structures, call 020 8430 2000.

Risk of flooding from rainfall

Flooding from heavy rainfall does not happen a lot in Newham. But some areas are at a higher risk because of their geography and drainage.

As a lead local flood authority, we manage the risk of flooding from rain water and ground water in the borough.

Read about the risk of flooding from rainfall in Newham: Surface Water Management Plan (PDF), Surface Water Management Plan (Appendices) (PDF) and The Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment.

We can’t tell you exactly where and when flooding will happen. We can only give you a general idea of the areas at high risk, so that you can be more prepared.

For information on how flood risk affects planning and development, refer to Local Plan policies and the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (update 2017).

How we understand and manage flood risk

Our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (PDF) is an important tool to help understand and manage flood risk within the borough.

As a lead local flood authority (LLFA) our remit includes flood risk from surface water runoff, groundwater and small rivers, streams and ditches (ordinary watercourses). This document is our response to the challenge of managing flooding from these sources in the borough.

Flood risk and development in Newham

Newham Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), as Statutory Consultee to Newham Planning Authority, review all major development applications to ensure that proposals address requirements of safety, resilience and contribute to reducing  local flood risk.

In support of the above please see below: