Deferring school for Summer born children

Important considerations

Summer-born deferment is a really big step that will impact on your child’s education at every phase through to leaving school not just starting reception.  To ensure Newham families make the best decision for their child, if considering summer born deferment, we strongly recommend you read the information below, as well as other available information on this subject and speak to family, friends and any professionals involved with their child before proceeding. 

Any family’s decision making should also consider the physical, social and emotional development of their child and the impact of them being in a class with younger children. Remember a decision made by another family for their child to choose summer born deferment however successful for their child may not be the right decision for another child. 

Families must also understand that deferment will result in the allocated place being withdrawn and the requirement to reapply again for the following year.  This means when applying for reception for a second time (due to Summer-born deferment) it is possible that the same school may not be offered as other applicants this year may have a higher priority.