Support and resources
For any additional information on the concept of taking a whole school approach to food, we have compiled a selection of useful tools and resources to support you on this journey. The School Food Plan has an abundance of resources and case studies, but below are some more specific categories:
School food policy
Establishing a whole school food policy (PDF)
Food education
TastEd: Sensory Exploration of Food
Create your own School of Food
Cooking in a primary school classroom (PDF)
Food growing
Newham Food Growing Toolkit (PDF)
Garden Organic: Schools growing past projects
Breakfast provision
Healthier breakfast clubs (PDF)
National School Breakfast Programme - Family Action (
Children's Charity in the UK - Magic Breakfast
Meal provision
Free School Meals resources for schools and boroughs | London City Hall
Chefs in Schools: Universal Free School Meals toolbox
Governors support