Children in Care and Care Leavers

Where you will live

On the following pages, you can find out:

  • How we decide where you will live
  • What being looked after by a foster carer will be like
  • What you can expect if you go to live in residential care (a children’s home)
  • What will happen if you go back to live with your parents
  • Who will represent you and how you can get your views heard if a court has to decide where you will live
  • What the court orders mean.

On these pages you can find out about the different places you might live if you can’t live with your parents. 

You can also find out what will happen if you have to go to court to decide where you will live, what the court can do and what the legal words mean.

How we make decisions about where you will live

When you are first taken into care

You might hear the word ‘placement’ when you are first taken into care. This means the place where we have arranged for you to live. Lots of things are taken into account when looking for the right place for you to stay.

What we look at when we decide where you will live

When we are deciding where you should live, we look at things like where you go to school and the contact you should have with your family.

We will always try to place you with a family who are like you, this means who look like you, have the same religion and eat the same food as you are used to.