Newham Local Plan Review

Second Consultation: Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18)

Regulation 18 Consultation Report

This second round of engagement (called Regulation 18) took place between the 9 January and the 20 February 2023.

We received 8388 comments from 325 representations. Thank you to everyone that provided comments. The Regulation 18 Consultation Report (PDF) provided a summary of the comments received and how these have been considered and addressed in the Draft Submission Local Plan. Please see the full tables of comments and our responses from the Regulation 18 Consultation in the below appendices.

Appendices Contents
Appendix 7: Introduction Comments (PDF) Comments on the Introduction and responses
Appendix 8: All about Newham Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s All about Newham section and responses
Appendix 9: Vision and Objectives Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s Vision and Objectives and responses
Appendix 10: Building a Fairer Newham Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s Building a Fairer Newham policies and responses
Appendix 11: Design Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s Design policies and responses
Appendix 12: High Streets Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s High Streets policies and responses
Appendix 13: Community Facilities Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s Community Facilities policies and responses
Appendix 14: Inclusive Economy Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s Inclusive Economy policies and responses
Appendix 15: Homes Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s Homes policies and responses
Appendix 16: Green and Water Spaces Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s Green and Water policies and responses
Appendix 17: Climate Emergency Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s Climate Emergency policies and responses
Appendix 18: Transport Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s Transport policies and responses
Appendix 19: Waste and Utilities Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s Waste and Utilities policies and responses
Appendix 20: Neighbourhoods Comments (PDF) Comments on the Plan’s Neighbourhood policies and site allocations and responses
Appendix 21: General Comments (PDF) General Comments which had no direct planning policy link including general introductory remarks made by representors and responses
Appendix 22: References to representation material (PDF) References to representation material: showing figures of images, maps and tables from the Local Plan referred to in representations. For example, If you want to find a site map referred to in a representation, look for the name of representor then comment reference to see the related site map. If you are a resident, look for your comment reference to find the figure related to your comment, as your name is anonymised.

Personal details have been redacted from the comments. For residents only, and if you are able to provide details of the name or email address you used to submit comments, we will produce a bespoke report of your comments on request. Please email to request your report.

Our Duty to Cooperate Statement (PDF) also provides information on how we have engaged with a range of organisations we are required to work with on strategic planning matters.

Regulation 18 Consultation

This consultation was on the first draft of our new Local Plan for Newham. 

Read the full Draft Newham Local Plan document (PDF) (Regulation 18), see the Regulation 18 policies map (PDF) or interactive map and you can also read the Regulation 18 summary factsheets below:

The Draft Local Plan was informed by the responses we received on our Issues and Options document, during the consultation at the end of 2021. An analysis of who responded and summary of such responses was included in the Issues and Options Consultation Report. It was also informed by evidence base documents which have been researching specific aspects of the Plan and emerging Council and regional strategies and area specific guidance – including for Stratford and the Royal Docks.