Newham Local Plan Review

Evidence Base Documents

The documents below have informed the Draft Submission Local Plan. Due to file size, this has been split into two parts.

They have researched specific aspects of the Plan and/or provide council and regional strategies and area-specific guidance.

Please view the documents below on a desktop.

Chapter Title  Documents (please note due to file sizes some are split into sections)
Building a Fairer Newham Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2024 Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2024 (PDF)
Social Value-Health Impact Assessment 2024 Social Value-Health Impact Assessment Guidance Note 2024 (PDF)
Social Value-Health Impact Assessment Appendix 1 Screening Tool (PDF)
Social Value-Health Impact Assessment Appendix 2 Checklist Tool (PDF)
Design Characterisation Study 2024 Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 2 Historic Development Patterns (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 3 Functional Character (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 4 Urban Morphology (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 5 Socio-Economic Analysis (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 6 Neighbourhoods (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 7 Vision Opportunity for Change (Part 1) (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 7 Vision Opportunity for Change (Part 2) (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 8 Vision Neighbourhood Principles (Part 1) (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 8 Vision Neighbourhood Principles (Part 2) (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 8 Vision Neighbourhood Principles (Part 3) (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 9 Borough wide Design Principles (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 10 Recommendations (PDF)
Newham Characterisation Study 2024 Chapter 11 Appendix (PDF)
Small Sites Intensification Guidance 2024 Newham Characterisation Study Small Sites Intensification Guidance 2024 (PDF)
Tall Building Annex 2024 Tall Building Annex 2024 (Part 1 - Sections A-C) (PDF)
Tall Building Annex 2024 (Part 2 - Section D Townscape Assessment Part 1) (PDF)
Tall Building Annex 2024 (Part 3 - Section D Townscape Assessment Part 2) (PDF)
Tall Building Annex 2024 (Part 4 - Section D Townscape Assessment Part 3) (PDF)
Tall Building Annex 2024 (Part 5 - Section D Townscape Assessment Part 4) (PDF)
Creating Places that Work for Women and Girls (LLDC) 2024 Creating places that work for Women and Girls - Handbook for Local Authorities, Developers and Designers (LLDC) (PDF)
High Streets Retail and Leisure Study 2022 Retail and Leisure Study 2022 (PDF)
Retail and Leisure Study 2022 – Appendices (PDF)
Retail and Leisure Study Topic Papers 2024 Retail and Leisure Study Appendix 5 Affordable Retail Topic Paper 2024 (PDF)
Retail and Leisure Study Appendix 6 Meanwhile Use Topic Paper 2024 (PDF)
Town Centre Network Review Methodology Papers Town Centre Network Review Methodology Paper 2022 (PDF) 
Town Centre Network Review Methodology Paper Update 2024 (PDF)
Social infrastructure Community Facilities Needs Assessment 2022 Newham Community Facilities Needs Assessment Chapter 1 Introduction and Methodology (PDF)
Newham Community Facilities Needs Assessment Chapter 2 Key Findings and Recommendations (PDF)
Newham Community Facilities Needs Assessment Chapter 3 Policy and Guidance Review (PDF)
Newham Community Facilities Needs Assessment Chapter 4 Baseline Mapping (Part 1) (PDF)
Newham Community Facilities Needs Assessment Chapter 4 Baseline Mapping (Part 2) (PDF)
Newham Community Facilities Needs Assessment Chapter 5 Listen and Discover - Engagement (PDF)
Newham Community Facilities Needs Assessment Chapter 6 Listen and Discover - E-Questionnaire (PDF)
Newham Community Facilities Needs Assessment Chapter 7 Facilities Audit - Site Assessment (PDF)
Newham Community Facilities Needs Assessment Chapter 8 Next Steps (PDF)
Newham Community Facilities Needs Assessment Appendices (PDF)
Built Leisure Needs Assessment 2024 Built Leisure Needs Assessment 2024 (PDF)
Playing Pitch Strategy 2024 Playing Pitch Strategy 2024 (PDF)
Newham Burial Space Study 2024 Newham Burial Space Study 2024 (PDF)
Economy Employment Land Review 2022 Employment Land Review (July 2022): Supply and Demand Study (PDF)
Employment Land Review (July 2022): Appendix A-D: Forecasts and sector growth (PDF)
Employment Land Review (July 2022): Appendix E Part 1: Land Audit SILs (PDF)
Employment Land Review (July 2022): Appendix E Part 2: Land Audit LILs/LSISs (PDF)
Employment Land Review (July 2022): Appendix E Part 3: Land Audit LMUAs (PDF)
Employment Land Review (July 2022): Appendix F-G: Jobs by sector and 15 minute neighbourhoods (PDF)
Proposed New Employment Land Designations and Boundary Amendments 2024 Proposed New Employment Land Designations and Boundary Amendments 2024 (PDF)
Homes Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) 2022 Newham Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2022 (PDF)
Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment (GTAA) 2022 Newham Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2022 (PDF)
Housing for older people Topic Paper 2024 Housing for older people Topic Paper (PDF)
Site Allocation and Housing Trajectory Methodology 2024 Document is available below in Neighbourhoods and Site allocations section
Green and Waste Spaces Green and Water Infrastructure Strategy 2024 Newham Green and Water Infrastructure Strategy (Section 1-3 Introduction) (PDF)
Newham Green and Water Infrastructure Strategy (Section 4 The Newham Context) (PDF)
Newham Green and Water Infrastructure Strategy (Section 5 Baseline and Needs Assessment) (PDF)
Newham Green and Water Infrastructure Strategy (Section 6 Newham's Green and Water Space Priorities) (PDF)
Newham Green and Water Infrastructure Strategy (Section 7 Proposals and Recommendations Part 1) (PDF)
Newham Green and Water Infrastructure Strategy (Section 7 Proposals and Recommendations Part 2) (PDF)
Newham Green and Water Infrastructure Strategy (Section 8 Delivery Toolkit) (PDF)
Newham Green and Water Infrastructure Strategy (Appendices) (PDF)
Newham Green and Water Infrastructure Strategy (Newham Neighbourhood Boundaries Addendum) (PDF)
Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) Review 2024 Newham Metropolitan Open Land Review 2024 (PDF)
Newham Metropolitan Open Land Review Appendix A MOL Site Assessments 2024 (PDF)
Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation Review 2022 Newham Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation Review 2022 (PDF)
Climate Emergency Climate Change Evidence Base 2022 Newham Climate Change Evidence Base Part 1 Operational energy & carbon (PDF)
Newham Climate Change Topic Paper Part 2 Embodied carbon (PDF)
Newham Climate Change Technical Note Part 2 MMC and embodied carbon (PDF)
Newham Climate Change Guidance and Topic Paper Part 3 Overheating (PDF)
Newham Climate Change Topic Paper Part 4 Retrofit (PDF)
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) 2023 London Borough of Newham Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and Appendix A 2023 (PDF)
London Borough of Newham Level 1 SFRA Appendix B Data Sources (PDF)
London Borough of Newham Level 1 SFRA Appendix C SFRA User Guide (PDF)
London Borough of Newham Level 1 SFRA Appendix D Flood Alerts and Warnings (PDF)
London Borough of Newham Level 1 SFRA Appendix E Newham Flood Risk Summary (PDF)
London Borough of Newham Level 1 SFRA Appendix F Cumulative Impact Assessment (PDF)
London Borough of Newham Level 1 SFRA Appendix G Modelling Technical Notes (PDF)
London Borough of Newham Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2023 (PDF)
London Borough of Newham Level 2 SFRA Appendix A Site Tables Merged (PDF)
London Borough of Newham Level 2 SFRA Appendix B Sites Carried Forward to a Level 2 Assessment (PDF)
London Borough of Newham Level 2 SFRA Appendix C Modelling Technical Notes (PDF)
London Borough of Newham Level 2 SFRA Appendix D Cumulative Impact Assessment Review (PDF)
Local Plan Review Site Allocations Sequential and Impact Test 2024 Local Plan Review Site Allocations Sequential and Impact Test Submission Version 2024 (PDF)
Strategic Integrated Water Management Strategy 2023 Subregional integrated water management strategy East London 2023 (PDF)
Local Integrated Water Management Strategy 2023 Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside Integrated Water Management Strategy 2023 (PDF)
Transport Sustainable Transport Strategy 2024 Newham Sustainable Transport Strategy 2024 (PDF)
Waste East London Waste Plan Evidence Base 2022 Evidence Base for the East London Joint Waste Plan and Appendix 1-4 (PDF)
Evidence Base for the East London Joint Waste Plan - Appendix 5 Site profiles (PDF) 
Evidence Base for the East London Joint Waste Plan - Appendix 6 CD&E Methodology (PDF)
Automated vacuum waste collection systems Topic Paper 2024 Automated vacuum waste collection systems Topic Paper (PDF)
Site Allocations
Characterisation Study 2024 Document is available above in design section
Site Allocation and Housing Trajectory Methodology 2024 Site Allocation and Housing Trajectory Methodology July 2024 (PDF)
Viability Local Plan Viability Assessment (Regulation 19) 2024 London Borough of Newham Local Plan Regulation 19 viability report (PDF)