Regeneration project: Canning Town and Custom House

Custom House redevelopment programme 

For full details please go to

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Regeneration Update

Anyone walking past the kickstart sites will have noticed that work is very much underway on the 150 affordable homes being built by Hill (22 Freemasons Road and William Paton) and Bugler (Vandome Close and Freemasons Road). Residents should have received regular newsletters from each contractor reporting on progress. They also provide the contact details for their resident liaison officers and information about their considerate contractor schemes.

There are “construction logistics” plans in place and every effort is made to minimise disruption and inconvenience. If you have any concerns about the construction work please contact the relevant contractor in the first instance. If you still remain dissatisfied with the response you receive then please contact the regeneration team at or pop into the hub at 25 Freemasons Road on a Monday or Tuesday between 10am and 4pm.

Both contractors have social value commitments to help support the local community in Newham. We will be working with them and Countryside (see article on subphase 02) to maximise the benefit through a coordinated approach. The homes are due for completion in 2025/26 and some of them will be offered to residents in the Custom House phase 1 masterplan who are eligible for a new home. These homes will be allocated via a “local lettings plan” which the Council has developed with the Custom House steering group. Eligible residents should have received a letter providing more information about this.

More information available on our website.

Your Custom House magazine Winter 2023 Bulletin (PDF) has more information on the ongoing programme. 

Regeneration Hub

25 Freemasons Road E16 3AR

Please come in for a chat to find out more about the regeneration of Custom House.

Members of the Regeneration Team are on hand to answer your questions on the regeneration programme.

We’re open on these days:

Every Monday and Tuesday, 10am to 4pm

For further information, please contact:

The Resident Involvement Team
Telephone: 020 3373 3906

First Thursday of the month, 2pm to 6pm

Your independent tenants’ and residents’ advisors NewmanFrancis hold their monthly surgery, providing updates, information, advice and support to anyone affected by the regeneration programme.

No appointment needed. Tea and coffee provided.

For further information, please contact:

The Resident Involvement Team
Telephone: 020 3373 3906

Sarah-Jane Day

Senior Engagement Consultant
Mobile: +44 (0) 7738 408 961

For further information, updates and upcoming events please visit

Report noise from ongoing construction

Contact us about the regeneration programme

For more information programme, consultations or how you can get involved, contact the Regeneration Team.

Custom House Phase One Area

It's a result for Custom House! Residents voted ‘yes’ in December’s ballot on proposals that have been co-produced with the Custom House community. The plans will transform Freemasons Road and the surrounding neighbourhood to deliver 364 genuinely affordable homes that local people can afford, new shops and community facilities as well as create jobs. Major milestone reached as residents vote ‘yes’ to £300 million investment in Custom House for new homes and jobs – Newham Council.