Newham's Business Directory
Newham’s Business Directory is an online database that provides information about products and services provided by local businesses based in Newham.
Follow the link to access the Newham Business Directory
The directory provides customers with greater choice over the products and services they access and can be used from any internet enabled device such as laptops, smartphones and tablets.
If you are a business based in Newham and registered on Company’s House, then you will be eligible to register on the directory. There is no cost to sign-up.
Register your business to be part of the directory
Businesses in Newham
The borough contains just over 14,000 registered businesses, 89% are micro businesses employing less than nine people. Newham had the fastest growing business base of all of London’s boroughs in 2022, recording average annual growth of 11.1%. The administrative and support services sector is the most prominent in Newham, however, the wholesale and retail sector is the largest employer, accounting for 18% of borough employment.
Source: Inter Departmental Business Register (ONS)
Follow the link to access the full report for Newham Borough
We’re looking for more catering suppliers
The Council wants to expand its Food Business Directory list of approved catering suppliers for the smaller events which it organises.
To be considered, caterers must be:
- Based in Newham.
- Paying real London Living Wage to all staff.
- Signed up to the Our Newham Pledge.
- Have a Food Standard Agency four or five star rating.
- Have menus that embody the principles of SMART food we need to be serving for the health of people and planet.
If you meet all these criteria, please apply: